What is Shockwave Therapy & How Do We Use it to Treat Pain?

Chronic pain is like a nightmare that you never seem to wake up from. Whether it’s your back, knees, neck, feet, shoulder, or some combination of injured body parts, all you want is relief. Many doctors will recommend pharmaceuticals to numb the pain, but pain killers fail to address the source of your pain. Some doctors may recommend highly invasive surgery that can potentially be avoided through other treatment methods.

Dr. Nadler’s chiropractic sports medicine practice in Newtown Square offers one potential solution that has worked for countless individuals: Shockwave Therapy.

What is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment for chronic pain that uses a high-tech device to create a series of low and high energy acoustic wave pulsations. The “shockwaves” are directly applied to affected areas through a person’s skin via a gel medium. The purpose of shockwave therapy is to activate your body’s natural healing responses. Many people have reported reduced pain and increased mobility after their first shockwave therapy treatment.

How is Shockwave Therapy Used to Treat Pain?

Shockwave therapy is used to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, specifically conditions that involve connective tissues like tendons and ligaments. The low and high energy acoustic waves are applied to the site of an injury or an area affected by chronic pain, inducing microtrauma to the tissue in the area(s). This activates the body’s natural healing response, which triggers blood vessel formation and accelerated delivery of nutrients to the treatment area. Once the repair process has been stimulated, symptoms of pain should begin to fade. 

Why Choose Dr. Nadler for Shockwave Therapy?

Dr. Nadler’s sports rehabilitation facility near Broomall, PA, is recognized as a Center of Excellence for the state-of-the-art treatment we provide to our patients. As the Delaware Valley and Tri-State area’s only focused and radial shockwave therapy provider and a mentor and trainer to other doctors in his field, Dr. Nadler has the proven track record of success you want from a doctor treating your chronic pain issues. Contact us today if you have any questions about shockwave therapy treatment, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nadler.

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